Tell your story
Hi ! I’m Ophelia a victim of romance scam. One day I logged in to Facebook and realized that I got a friend request from Charles Vincent. Charles tried to contact me few times but I declined. He kept trying and finally I decided to accept his friendship. I immediately got a message from him thanking me for accepting his friend request and I replied “welcome “.
Hello! I’m Lucia. I got involved in this story through my sister Ophelia. Ophelia told me about Charles Vincent and thought he seems to be a wonderful man. I was informed by my sister that Charles was an American Nigerian who resided in Las Vegas but Charles at the time was in Australia working for Exxon Mobile Oil Company.
Hi! I’m Joan. Here’s my connection to my sister’s story: One day, i received a friend request from Charles Vincent. He told me that his wife was sick and later died. He had kids and was in need of a wife. I realized that he was a Nigerian and asked about his tribal name. He told me that Charles Vincent was his name. That was a red flag for me because Nigerians are known by their African names. I told him that I was not available and prayed that he finds a wife.
A while later , I was having a conversation with Ophelia, when she mentioned that a man by the name of Charles Vincent was interested in her . The name sounded familiar and so I asked Ophelia to send me a photo of him. I checked for Charles on Facebook and realized he had blocked me from his friend list. I warned my sister to be careful with Charles even though he seems to be a good guy. It wasn’t long before our sister Lucia reached out to me regarding her findings on Charles being an imposter. I joined the search for answers and found out that Charles was using Christian Frank identity in scamming women.
Hi! I’m Christian Frank, a Liberian -British residing in the United States of America.
In July of 2017, I found out that my identity was stolen and being used by Nigerians and other nationals in romance scam. I immediately reported the matter to Facebook and they blocked the scammer and left the page up.I thought this would be the end of the scammers using my identity on Facebook and other social media platforms this was far from being over.